Many people have commented on how intuitive Pixelmator is on iPad but despite its power I think its awkward to use and the control system is not as organized as other editors like Photogene.
For example working on a photo I noticed images from the Photo library are brought into the app rotated by 90°. Not sure why that is and with more use I may figure out how to modify that behaviour but at present without modifying any defaults it means I must rotate the image before saving back to the library as the orientation is wrong.
Also Pixelmator differentiates between the image and the canvas. Many times Im interested in just resizing my image and when I do it Ive often just resized the image only, which now has white space surrounding it because I havent modified the canvas size. If that happens and you dont resize the canvas, the image is saved with a white border.
I find that generally there is not enough info on the screen - many times its just your image and some icons as they are trying to minimize clutter but often Im wondering what is the view %, which layer am I working on, what options are available to me, etc.
Concepts like those above are differences that require some training. Its not really intuitive.
electroToys about Pixelmator, v1.1